
I almost got drunk at school at 14

Where I almost made out with the homecoming queen

Who almost went on to be miss texas

But lost to a slut with much bigger breastes

I almost dropped out to move to LA

Where I was almost famous for almost a day

And I almost had you

But I guess that doesn't cut it

Almost loved you

I almost wished u would've loved me too

I almost held up a grocery store

Where I almost did 5 years and then 7 more

Cuz I almost got popped for a fight with a thug

Cuz he almost made off with a bunch of the drugs

That I almost got hooked on cuz you ran away

And I wish I woulda had the nerve to ask you to stay

And I almost had you

But I guess that doesn't cut it

Almost had you

And I didn't even know it

You kept me guessing and now I'm destined

to spend my time missing you

I almost wish you would've loved me too

Here I go thinking about all the things I could've done

I'm gonna need a forklift cuz all the baggage weighs a ton

I know we had our problems I can't remember one

I almost forgot to say something else

And if I cant fit it in I'll keep it all to myself

I almost wrote a song about you today

But I tore it all up and then I threw it away

And I almost had you

But I guess that doesn't cut it

Almost had you

And I didn't even know it

You kept me guessing and now I'm destined

to spend my time missing you

And I almost had you [x3]

I almost wish you would've loved me too

保齡湯合唱團 pop punk團體


反而有點老搖滾的味道 但其實我也不清楚





具了解新專輯今年會出 頗期待的啦

p.s 以後還會再放他們的歌跟mv 因為都蠻搞笑的

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